Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Ladi's Tresses: Bantu Knot Out Attempt

It's a new year, so I decided to try something new with my hair. I've seen many natural hair bloggers/vloggers create cute, curly styles by creating bantu knots.  After watching a handful of YouTube tutorials, I attempted a set.  

I started by lightly spritzing the ends of  hair with a water bottle to make it slightly damp. 

Next, I pulled random sections of hair and applied  Beautiful Textures Curl Control Defining Pudding to each section.
Taking one section in my hand, I began to twirl the hair around itself; as the hair becomes twisted, it starts to curl around itself to begin forming the bantu knot. When I got to the end of my hair, I took the last inch or so and wrapped it around the knot and tucked the end to secure the knot.  Some naturals begin by creating a two-strand twist and then wrapping it around itself to form a knot, but I chose not to because I wanted to see what kind of curl pattern the bantu know would create on it's own.
After completing my whole head section by section, I ended up with 10 knots.

I kept the bantu knots in overnight to set the curls. The next morning, I sprayed my hair with
Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Reconstructive Elixir Spray and took aloose each knot.  I was happy with the curl pattern produced by the knots, but as I started separating and fluffing my hair I realize that my sections were too big, and I may have used too much product. At some places, the curl at the root was much looser than at the ends, and the hair at the back of my head  was still damp so the curls hardly set at all. I ended up just smoothing my hair into a curly ponytail.

I will definitely be trying this style again in the future, probably using about 20-25 knots.

What do you think? Have you ever tried a bantu knot out? 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My First Youtube Video! High Bun Tutorial

When I  got a new camera last month I started playing around with it snapping pics everywhere and making little videos to test it out. Well, today I'm taking the big (and I mean BIG) step of sharing one of my videos with someone other than my fiance. I just posted my very first video on YouTube  It is a short tutorial showing how I create a high bun hairstyle. Check it out on YouTube, or view it here after the jump. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Ladi's Tresses: A Simple Flat Twist Out Tutorial

Hey hey! Today I just wanted to do a short tutorial for one of my go-to styles: the flat twist out.

When I have tons of energy and some extra time on my hands, I make smaller twists and more rollers, but when I want something quick and cute, I use these steps below:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Ladi's Tresses: "Twist-Out, Pin Up" Style Tutorial

  • Start with wet or dry hair, and part hair from ear to ear to divide into 2 sections (one in front, one in back)
  • Take back section of hair and create individual twists (I usually do about 9 twists in the back, 3 rows of 3)
  • Take front section of hair and part into 3 sections of equal size. Part from your forehead straight back to the first ear-to-ear part you did. 
  • Take the front right (or whichever side you like to wear your hair) section and make 3 small flat twists going back towards the middle of your head. 
  • Take the front left section and make 3 small horizontal flat twists going down to the side of your face. 
  • Take the middle section and make 3 small flat twists going to the left and laying over the twists you made with the left section of hair (It should look like two layers of twists).
  • Roll the ends of each twist using your roller of choice ( I use small perm rods).
  • When you are ready to style, remove all the rollers and untwist your whole head. 
You can stop here and rock a twist-out. At this point, my hair looks like this:

To create the pin-up, keep reading:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Ladi's Tresses: Straightening Natural Hair, A Step-By-Step Tutorial

When I'm planning to straighten my hair, I always start by pre-pooing.  I usually end up straightening on a Friday night after work, so to save time I do this by wearing a shower cap with a thick winter hat over it for 30 min to 1 hour while eating dinner and getting all of my supplies ready to do my hair.

I shampoo with a sulfate free shampoo. (Shea Moisture Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo)

I condition with a cheapie conditioner to detangle. (Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner)  This is what my hair looks like after rinsing: