Shirt: JCP / Skirt: Mossimo / Shoes: Mia (super old) / Clutch: World Market |
One perk of Summer vacation is getting the opportunity to get a good ol' tan! While my beach trip has come and gone, I can keep it in my memory whenever I glance in the mirror and sneak a peek at the bronze goddess I have become. The only downside is that my foundation no longer matches, but it's really too hot for heavy makeup anyway! For this look I wanted to show off my legs (which are usually ridiculously pale for about 10 months out of the year); what better way to celebrate my (like new) legs than to pull out a skater skirt and (like new) shoes! I've had these shoes for YEARS...I'm talking maybe 8 years...and I can only recall wearing them once back in high school. Between transitioning from my parents' house to a college dorm, to several apartments, to now a house, they got lost along the way but we were reunited during a closet purge/reminiscing session at my childhood home! #NoNewShoes :)
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